How Speech and Language Therapy works- Speech Therapy for parents

How Speech Therapy works
What Happens in Speech Therapy


Navigating the realm of Speech and Language Therapy, particularly focusing on Speech Therapy for Parents, offers invaluable insights into enhancing children’s communication abilities. This exploration elucidates the strategies and approaches used, providing clarity on the journey towards refining speech articulation and language disorders and intervention techniques.

Speech and Language therapy, conducted by skilled speech and language therapists, is a vital intervention for individuals experiencing communication difficulties. Through a combination of evidence-based techniques and personalised approaches, these therapists aim to enhance speech, language, and communication skills, empowering their clients to navigate the complexities of verbal expression with confidence and clarity.

Assessment and Diagnosis

The journey towards improved communication begins with a comprehensive assessment conducted by the speech and language therapist. This involves evaluating various aspects such as speech articulation, language comprehension, voice quality, and fluency. Through assessment and observations, the therapist gains insights into the underlying issues contributing to the individual’s communication challenges.

Therapists examine the diagnosis to understand the requirement for Speech and Language Therapy, as there might be needs such as:

    1. Starting to produce initial sounds or having words that are present but unclear.

    1. Having speech but a restricted or lacking vocabulary.

    1. Possessing vocabulary but not using it effectively.

    1. Repeating lengthy sentences and songs without meaningful interaction, repeating everything.

    1. Exhibiting only humming without any speech sounds, even after undergoing years of speech therapy sessions.

Individualised Treatment Plans

Following a thorough assessment, the speech therapist devises a tailored treatment plan to address the specific needs and goals of the client. These plans are highly individualised, considering factors such as real age, language age, cognitive abilities, cultural background, and the nature of the communication disorder. By setting achievable targets and employing targeted strategies, therapists guide their clients towards tangible progress and success.

Speech and Language disorders and How Speech therapy works?

Articulation Disorder- Speech Articulation Therapy

For children facing difficulties with producing speech sounds correctly, articulation therapy is a fundamental aspect of speech therapy intervention. Through focused exercises and drills, clients learn to accurately produce sounds and develop clear articulation, which serves as the foundation of speech therapy.

Techniques employed in speech articulation therapy include:

    1. Tongue placement for targeting specific sounds.

    1. Practicing target sounds in words, focusing on their positions at the beginning, middle, and end of words.

    1. Progressing to using target sounds in phrases, sentences, stories, and various conversational contexts, including spontaneous conversations.

    1. Utilising minimal pairs, which involve contrasting similar sounds to improve differentiation and accuracy.

    1. Engaging in auditory discrimination tasks to refine phonemic awareness and enhance speech clarity.

Fluency disorder- Techniques for Stammering

For individuals grappling with fluency disorders such as stuttering, speech therapy offers targeted interventions to promote smoother, more fluent speech. Techniques such as fluency shaping focus on modifying speech patterns to reduce disfluencies and enhance smoothness. Additionally, stuttering modification strategies empower clients to manage moments of dysfluency with confidence and poise, fostering greater communication fluency in various contexts. check our free course of Stammering Therapy




    1. Breathing and phonation exercises

    1. Prolongation exercises

    1. Tapping Technique

    1. They learn to use expressions

    1. Reading etc.

Voice Disorders and Therapy

Voice disorders can significantly impact an individual’s ability to communicate effectively. Speech therapists utilise voice therapy techniques to address issues such as hoarseness, vocal strain, and pitch abnormalities. Through exercises targeting vocal resonance, breath support, and vocal hygiene, clients learn to develop a healthy and resonant voice that reflects their true identity and facilitates clear communication.

There are hundreds of techniques to improve voice quality-

    1. Soft voice

    1. Neck massage

    1. relaxation

    1. Straw sucking

    1. Drinking more water etc depending on the requirement


Language disorders and Intervention techniques

Language disorders encompass a broad spectrum of challenges, ranging from vocabulary deficits to grammar difficulties .

Types of Language Disorders

    1. Expressive Language Disorder: Difficulty in expressing thoughts, ideas, and feelings through spoken or written language.

    1. Receptive Language Disorder: Challenges in understanding spoken or written language, affecting comprehension.

    1. Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder: Combination of difficulties in both understanding and expressing language.

    1. Specific Language Impairment: Delayed or impaired language development without a clear cause or accompanying condition

    1. Pragmatic Language Disorder: Difficulty in using language appropriately in social situations, affecting communication in interactions.

    1. Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder: Challenges in understanding and using language effectively in social contexts, with difficulties in both semantics and pragmatics.

    1. Aphasia: Language impairment caused by brain injury or damage, affecting speaking, understanding, reading, and writing abilities.

    1. Dysphagia: Difficulty in swallowing, often resulting from neurological or structural issues, impacting the ability to eat and drink safely and effectively.

Speech therapists employ a variety of language intervention techniques to address these issues effectively.

In simple terms, there are two main ideas about how kids learn language –

    1. Analytic

    1. Gestalt.

Analytical Language Therapy

Analytic is like building blocks. First, children learn single words, then they start putting two words together, and later they make longer sentences. For example, they might learn “apple”, then “eat apple”, and finally “I want to eat apple”. This

    1. Developing receptive vocabulary and language.

    1.  Then one-word expressive vocabulary

    1. Combining of two words to make phrases

    1. Learning to speak in sentences

    1. Answering questions

    1. Telling Stories 
    2. Sharing what happened in their day to day life

    1. Interaction in the class and interaction with peers as well as with adults

    1.  Thousands of structured language activities designed to enhance comprehension, expression, and overall linguistic competence.

Gestalt Language Therapy

Gestalt is a bit different. Here, children begin by learning whole phrases or chunks of language, like in songs or rhymes. Then, they learn to break these down into smaller parts to make new sentences. There are 5 stages of learning language through gestalts gateway.

    1. Children repeat all gestalts they have learnt

    1. They are taught to mitigate gestalts through child led play activities

    1. One word emerges and they begin to combine two words  through child led and therapist input.

    1. They begin to speak in sentences which may be grammatically incorrect

    1. Grammatically correct sentence

    1. Advance grammar and language

Social Communication Skills Training

Effective communication extends beyond the realm of language and speech mechanics; it encompasses social interaction and pragmatic competence as well. Speech therapists incorporate social communication skills training into their therapy sessions, equipping clients with the tools to navigate social nuances, interpret nonverbal cues, and engage in meaningful conversational exchanges.

    1. Through paired sessions with peers

    1. Group Language and communication classes

    1. General, structured, and spontaneous conversations with therapist, family and friends

    1. In school classroom interactions to enhance social communication

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

For individuals with severe communication impairments, auselecting and utilizing AAC devices such as gmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems offer a lifeline to express thoughts, needs, and desires. Speech therapists guide clients in selecting and utilizing AAC devices such as communication boards, PECS, or speech-generating devices.such as iPad and tablets. Through AAC training and implementation, individuals gain greater independence and autonomy in their communication efforts.

I work on AAC while teaching Speech side by side. So no need to worry about “will my child speak if AAc given to him” or ” he may avoid to speak if AAC is provided. but this is not true.

Family and Caregiver Involvement

The efficacy of speech therapy extends beyond the clinic walls; it relies on collaboration and support from family members and caregivers. Speech therapists provide training to families and provide strategies for home practice, and foster a supportive environment conducive to language and communication development.


In conclusion, speech and language therapists employ a diverse array of techniques to facilitate effective communication and empower individuals to overcome speech and language challenges. From articulation therapy to social communication skills training, each intervention is tailored to the unique needs of the client, fostering progress, confidence, and independence. Through collaborative efforts and evidence-based practice, speech therapists play a pivotal role in unlocking the full communicative potential of their clients, enriching lives and fostering meaningful connections.



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